Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas in Darwin

I am having a very difficult time getting into the Christmas spirit in Darwin.

The city itself does not get all that into the Christmas spirit - very few Christmas lights, not many decorations around the city, and even the malls are very 'blazee". I've hardly heard any Christmas music, which is the opposite back home where all you hear is Christmas music as early as Nov 1st. I did however purchase a Christmas music album on Itunes, that I have already played about three times - but I can't play it when Rob is there, but that's OK!
It also doesn't help that I am used to a white Christmas. I have always been in Canada for the holidays and most of the time, there is snow on the ground!! Not a chance in hell that will be happening here - and not that I am complaining - I don't miss the winter drive and the cold weather, with wind chills on top of that, but nothing beats waking up Christmas morning to see snow falling from the sky.
Even the ward I work on isn't that decorated, we have some garland hanging from the ceiling with some ornaments dangling off them, and that's it!! However, due to the fact I work on an oncology ward, and we get patients with febrile neutropenia (basically no immune system and no white blood cells to fight infection) we can't put up a tree because of dust and debris.
I decided the best way to help my un-festive spirit, was to decorate my unit. Plus, I can't have a Christmas without a Christmas tree, even if it is a fake one!!! So I went to the un-decorated mall to get decorations.... and what a disgrace!!! K-mart had some cute small trees, but they only came in pink or purple (don't get me wrong, if I wasn't living with Rob I would have bought the pink one!) the rest where all huge and expensive. And there where hardly any decent decorations - like window stickers or garland, or anything!!!! I ended up getting most of my things at the dollar store, of all places. I picked up a cute 4ft 'green' tree for 10 bucks, some ornaments for the tree, a couple strings of garland, and a tiny wreath for the front door and a couple stickers for the window. I did get some battery operated Christmas lights at the Big W (aka, Walmart) and some outdoor solar Christmas lights from K-mart. All in all I spent about $45, well worth it to help get in the joyous Christmas spirit!

The minimal effort put into decorating the city
Partially done christmas trees
My front door - currently the garland is down as we had a storm over the weekend!

Our cute christmas tree!!

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